Handbag Cleaning and Maintenance Service

Handbag Cleaning and Maintenance Service


Service Handbag Cleaning and Maintenance Service
Description If you have the following problems:
- The handbag has been stored in the closet for a long time, resulting in severe mold and tarnished leather.
- The leather of the handbag is in good condition, but the handle is blackened due to the frequent use of hand cream and sweat by customers.
- If the handbag has been used for a long time without being cleaned well, bacteria will grow and cause mildew or spots.
- In daily life, even if you take good care of your leather goods, it is inevitable that they will get oil stains or stains accidentally.
- Ballpoint pen marks are often drawn without paying attention. For example, forgetting to put the cap on/putting the ballpoint pen directly into the leather case.

We have professional and exquisite cleaning and maintenance technology. Welcome to make an appointment and bring a handbag to enjoy the cleaning and maintenance service. Free quotation.